
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2011

An Old Prayer for a New Context

"Gracious Father, we, Thy children, so often confused, live at cross-purposes in our central aims, and hence we are at cross-purposes with each other. Take us by the hand and help us to see things from Thy viewpoint, that we may see them as they really are. We come to choices and decisions with a prayer upon our lips, for our wisdom fails us. Give us Thine, that we may do Thy will. In Jesus' name. Amen." Peter Marshall , 1947 (quoted by James H. Smylie, in A Brief History of The Presbyterians , 1996, Louisville KY: Geneva Press, p.119)

Noche de Paz


A Healthy Body

1st Corinthians 12.11-31 NIV Some Christians idealize the life of the primitive church. Some even say that the contemporary church should be more like the Christian churches of the first century. I believe that we should study the life of the first congregations, but this should be done with a careful and critical approach. We should consider the strengths of the first century church in order to follow its virtues and we should consider its weaknesses to avoid them. The New Testament epistles provide an excellent witness of the life of the first century churches. Today's reading invites us to reflect on the life of the Corinthian congregation founded by the Apostle Paul.   It should be noted that the Corinthian church was abundant in spiritual gifts – manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the life of its members. However, their abundance of spiritual gifts was matched only by an equal abundance of problems. A brief overview of the letter, may help us understand t...

Iglesia eres tú...

Me resulta curioso observar una y otra vez la generalización del concepto iglesia = templo.  Durante mis años de obra pastoral he enseñado que la iglesia no es el edificio, sino la comunidad creyente.  Ahora bien, he observado que quienes han entendido que iglesia es la comunidad y no el edificio, no se perciben a sí mismos como parte de esa comunidad.  Es decir, aunque participan semanalmente de los servicios de adoración a Dios y otros eventos eclesiales, no se ven a sí mismos como iglesia, iglesia es "la otra gente", el liderato, quienes participan en comités y grupos de trabajo.  Lo cierto es que iglesia somos todos(as).  Por eso es importante que al referirnos a "la misión de la iglesia", entendamos que no es la misión de otras personas, sino nuestra .  Donde quiera que estemos, hablemos y obremos, allí está, habla y obra la iglesia.  Con eso en mente te invito a reflexionar sobre las siguientes porciones del Libro de Confesiones (Prim...